Water as a victim and driver of the climate crisis: A call for collective action at scale

December 5, 2024
Humanity faces a looming water crisis, that is exacerbated by climate change. Here, Maitreyee Mukherjee and Cecilia Tortajada make a plea for urgency on how water is valued and governed across countries. Too often water is only considered as a local problem whereas they make the case that water needs to be framed as a global common good, and its governance must cut across multiple dimensions.… Read More

Can water security in Asia be ensured?

September 24, 2024
Among water professionals and in the media there are often extensive discussions on national and international water crises. However, all water problems and their solutions are local. There may be a few common aspects but the contexts of and solutions to the water problems differ from one country to another.… Read More

Floods are the new normal – maybe it’s time for a ‘new normal’ on how we deal with them

December 1, 2023
According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), in 2014, damages from a single flood in India were estimated at US$16.9 billion. Damages from floods were less in 2022, both in economic terms, estimated at US$4.2 million, and losses of live, calculated at 2,000 deaths. This shows that progress in reducing disaster risks has improved, but it is not enough given the uncertainties due to climate change.… Read More