Assessing the impacts of large dams

The global energy demands will continue to increase in the future, and with them the search for cost-effective alternatives to meet them. The importance of hydropower for electricity generation should not be underestimated, since it is a renewable source of energy and, as such, an alternative for a cleaner environment.… Read More

Futuro global del agua

A través de la historia, el agua se ha considerado un ingrediente esencial para la supervivencia y el desarrollo humanos. Hace más de dos milenios y medio, el filósofo griego Tales de Mileto dijo: «Lo mejor de todo es el agua». A pesar de que el mundo ha cambiado radicalmente desde la época de Tales, el hecho es que la supervivencia humana continúa dependiendo del recurso agua. … Read More

Awards Aboud at the Water Week

October 15, 2006
Professor Biswas is awarded the Stockholm Water Prize for his outstanding and multi-faceted contributions to global water resource issues, including research, education and awareness, water management, human and international relations in both developed and developing countries… Read More