Cities thirsting for water

March 22, 2018
Every year World Water Day aims to bring attention to the water problems confronting the world. Currently, up to 3.0 billion people in the developing world do not have access to clean water that is safe to drink. Even in developed countries, people are increasingly losing trust in the quality of water that is supplied by their water utilities.… Read More

Constitutional revision to help build beautiful China

March 12, 2018
Building a beautiful China and an ecological civilization has been written into the country’s Constitution to reconcile economic development and ecological protection, fill the gaps in terms of environmental governance and comply with people’s aspirations and wishes. The move was in response to serious air, water and air pollution that affected China because of rapid economic growth.… Read More

Africa’s Manmade Water Crisis

February 20, 2018
The imminent shutdown of Cape Town’s piped water network should serve as a wake-up call for all of Africa to overhaul urban water-management systems. Unfortunately, like Africa’s water resources themselves, Cape Town’s crisis seems likely to be wasted.… Read More