Efficient water management requires new knowledge and implementable solutions, as well as synthesis of current experiences from different parts of the world.

The primary objective of the Centre is thus generation, synthesis and application of knowledge, and extensive global dissemination of the related information. 

International Journal of Water Resources Development

Click below to see the latest issue.

Research & Policy Publications

Latest Communications & Media

Building Sustainability

The Special Issue on China’s Water Challenges: Present and Future is guest-edited by Professors Asit K. Biswas, Tang Quihong and Cecilia Tortajada. This Festschrift honours one of the leading water experts of China, Academician Liu Changming.

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Two of the world’s leading journals in this area, the International Journal of Water Resources Development (sponsored by the Third World Centre for Water Management, Mexico) and Water International (the official journal of the International Water Resources Association), contribute to this special issues series, aimed at disseminating new knowledge on the policy and governance of water resources to a very broad and diverse readership all over the world.

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A new open access journal presenting the engineering and practical applications of river systems, in addition to research on traditional water-related areas.

River welcomes research spanning the following areas:

– Water resources, water environment, water ecology, water disaster, hydraulics, irrigation
– Geotechnical engineering and dam construction technique
– Estuarine and offshore engineering
– Water culture, policy, and security

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XPRIZE Water Scarcity is a $119 million, 5-year global competition designed to drive widespread access to clean water by creating reliable, sustainable, and affordable seawater desalination systems.

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How XPRIZE Is Disrupting Desalination Tech to Address the Global Water Crisis

One of the objectives of this webinar series is to discuss and assess the current and future water-related problems and their potential solutions from a multi-disciplinary, multisectoral and multi-issues basis. World’s leading academics working on water-related issues within the framework of sustainable development, senior policymakers from different parts of the world, heads of international and national organisations and senior officials from international institutions will be invited to this webinar series.

Information about the webinar series is available here.

National University of Singapore

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Twitter: @TheWaterCentre

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