Volume 18, Issue 4

December 2002 ONLINE ACCESS TO THIS ISSUE INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ALONG THE SENEGAL RIVER: INTRODUCING AN ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK (pp. 501-521) Olli Varis and Virpi Lahtela, Water Resources Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland E-mails: olli.varis@hut.fi, vlahtela@cc.hut.fi Abstract: Integrated water resources … Read More

Aswan dam revisited: The benefits of a much-maligned dam

The Aswan High Dam across the mighty river Nile is perhaps one of the most controversial of the existing big dams in the world. Political, economic and environmental arguments have been raised against it ever since its construction in the early 1960s. Asit K. Biswas, after a careful evaluation of the dam’s impact on Egypt, concludes that it has been overwhelmingly beneficial to the country.… Read More

Volume 18, Issue 3

September 2002 ONLINE ACCESS TO THIS ISSUE GRAND COULEE DAM 70 YEARS LATER: WHAT CAN WE LEARN? (pp. 377-390) Leonard Ortolanoa and Katherine Kao Cushingb aCivil and Environmental Engineering Department, Stanford University, Stanford, USA; bProgram on Urban Studies, Stanford, USA E-mails: ortolano@cive.stanford.edu, kat@stanford.edu Abstract: … Read More

Volume 18, Issue 2

June 2002 ONLINE ACCESS TO THIS ISSUE WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN THE LOWER SENEGAL RIVER BASIN: CONFLICTING INTERESTS, ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS AND POLICY OPTIONS (pp. 245-260 ) Olli Varisa and Sylvie Fraboulet-Jussilab aHelsinki University of Technology, Finland; bOil & Water Ltd, Finland E-mails: olli.varis@hut.fi, sylvie.fraboulet-jussila@poyry.fi … Read More