How China eradicated absolute poverty

April 12, 2021
China has lifted about 800 million people out of absolute poverty and become the second-largest economy in the world. In 1980 China’s per capita GDP was $194.80-10 percent of Brazil ($1,947.28) and 73 percent of India ($266.58). But thanks to years of good economic management and rapid growth, its per capita GDP increased by more than 58 times to $10,216,6 in 2019-nearly 5.45 times of India ($2,099.60) and 1.31 times of Brazil ($8,717.20).… Read More

Catch the rain: Another feel good plan

March 22, 2021
India’s water management has been on an unsustainable path for decades. This has ensured that not enough water of appropriate qualities is available not only for basic human needs like drinking, cooking and proper personal hygiene but also for industrial, commercial, agricultural and environmental purposes. There is not a single Indian urban centre where its inhabitants can safely drink directly water provided by public utilities.… Read More