During 17–22 March 2000, the second World Water Forum took place in theHague, The Netherlands. The Forum was an event of the World Water Council,and was strongly supported organizationally and nancially by the Governmentof The Netherlands. Some 4600 participants from all over the world registeredfor this Forum.
The centrepiece of the Forum was the report of the World Commission onWater for the 21st Century, and the numerous activities that were preparatorycomponents of this report. The members of this high-powered blue-ribbonCommission are listed as an appendix to this Editorial. For the rst time in thehistory of the world, an independent and impartial Commission looked at waterholistically, futuristically and comprehensively on a global basis. All the Com-missioners participated in this exercise in their personal capacity.
By Asit K. Biswas, 2000. Article published in International Journal of Water Resources Development, Volume 16, Number 3, pages 285-287. DOI: 10.1080/713672508.