Potable water reuse: The next megatrend?

May 11, 2020
Megatrends are reshaping the world as we know it. Urbanisation, demographic and social change, resource scarcity and pollution, climate change, mass migration, technological breakthroughs, globalisation, and shifts in global economic and political power are some of the forces that are impacting the lives of billions of people due to their ‘global reach, broad scope and fundamental and dramatic impact.’
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Climate change and national security: The rules of foreign policy are changing

March 18, 2020
Climate change and natural resource pollution have become part of the national security agenda in countries all over the world. Although analysts have traditionally treated the strength of sovereign borders through the lens of political or economic issues, recent years have seen increasing attention paid to how environmental issues exacerbate, complicate, and multiply these political and economic problems.… Read More

Prevention is always better than cure

March 4, 2020
Chinese top leader Xi Jinping has asked Party officials to be on the “highest alert to ‘black swan’ incidents and take steps to prevent ‘gray rhino’” events. He has emphasised the importance to fight well with preemptive warfare so as to prevent and withstand risks, and at the same time fight well the war of strategic initiatives to convert danger into safety and turn crises into opportunities.… Read More