July 7, 2009 | Dead Sea, Jordan
InWEnt, Capacity Building International, Germany, and the Arab Water Council are implementing an 8-year programme (2005–2012) on capacity building in the water sector for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region, with special emphasis on Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine, Syria and Yemen. The first phase of this Programme ended in 2008. The Second one covers the period 2009–2012. The Third World Centre for Water Management has been providing expert advice to InWEnt and the Arab Water Council on the formulation and implementation of this programme from its very beginning in 2005.
The first Partners’ Forum, under the Second Phase of the programme: “Water Governance in the MENA Region: Policies and Institutions” was organised in Dead Sea Marriott Hotel, Jordan, 7-11 June 2009, where participants from the eight focus countries were present. The participants represented different disciplines and water sectors, and also appropriate governmental institutions, research and training organisations, private sector and NGOs.