Asit K. Biswas and Cecilia Tortajada | Development & Cooperation, 2005, Volume 32, Number 10, Pages 1-3
If resources are managed efficiently, the water problems in different parts of the world will become manageable. If there is going to be a water crisis, it is unlikely to be precipitated by water scarcities, but in terms of water quality. From Latin America to Africa and developing Asia, there has been continued neglect of water quality management in the past. Our analyses indicate that less than ten percent of wastewater generated in Latin America is properly treated and disposed of in an environmentally-safe way at present. The situation is likely to be no different in Asia, but perhaps worse in Africa. Surface water bodies near urban centres in these continents are often very seriously contaminated. Groundwater, which is an important source of drinking water, is being progressively contaminated as well.